Running your own small business can be a challenging occupation. There is so much to think and be concerned about before the money, hopefully starts to come in. Even for those doing well and making a profit with large demands for their services can find that obstacles occasionally spring up.
Staff shortages in skilled trades can be a major headache. However, there is a way that to offer a solution if a company happens to come across someone from overseas on a visit with a couple of years of experience after being fully trained. You need to apply to employ them on a TSS Temporary Skills Shortage Visa 482. Going through the services of an agency to hasten the speed and clear any complicated administrative issues is an excellent option.
What is the visa?
Commonly known as the TSS Visa, it is a legislation that offers businesses the opportunity to bring in genuinely skilled workers in cases where they cannot source an appropriately skilled Australian from the list of eligible medium and long-term skilled occupations. It allows the skilled worker to remain and work in Australia for 4 years and costs the company AUD 2,770 as of 2022.
The benefits for the business and employee
- The business can keep up with customer demand and can also train someone while they take on an employee on a TSS Visa, meaning it will be cost effective in the long term and the firm will have an instant replacement when the visa runs its course and the overseas employee head home.
- The employee, who must meet minimum standards of English language proficiency, can apply for permanent Australian residence while on the visa and is permitted to leave and return the country as many times as they wish during its timescale.
- The employee on the visa must be trained and have two years relevant work experience for an application to be deemed eligible. They may also have to undergo a skills assessment in certain professions.
- Employees must remain in the employment of the sponsor who makes the application. This offers security to both the employee and the company, knowing that their talents won’t be poached by a competitor and leave you short once again.
The TSS Visa is a great way to ensure that a skilled business will not be short staffed and potentially lose business as they fail to keep up with the demands.